RIP Kyle Trotman

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I am about 2 months late. Stumbled upon very sad news today via Facebook....

I remember meeting Kyle Trotman my freshman year of college at BU on West Campus. He was a handsome young man with poised and collected thoughts.

You could immediately tell that he was eager and prepared to take on the many challenges and adventures Boston University was going to throw at him.

Kyle and I exchanged pleasantries, small conversations in passing at "Late Night" and in the ever-so-busy dining hall. Whenever Kyle saw me, no matter if an hour passed by or even weeks, he was always greeting me with the sweetest hello and humblest smile.

I am indescribably saddened by the loss of Kyle Trotman. He will always be remembered by those who knew him as a determined, intelligent and kind gentleman.

It really goes to show you that life is so short - appreciate every second, minute, hour. Make every day count.

Rest in peace...


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