In light of this blog's 6th birthday [OMG! She's growing up so fast] and "starting over" having come out on top, I'm re-committing to writing, sharing stories/thoughts, and just being present again. :)
Over the years, this blog has served many purposes. Most recently, it became a form of therapy; a cathartic platform for me to vent during the darkest days of my illness. I will forever be grateful for I believe, writing those passages so vulnerably like that truly helped me discover, heal, and evolve.
This next chapter is going to be different from the others and I'm pretty sure, the best one yet! I'm in a much better place now in all aspects of my life and can't wait to share personal tales illustrating how beautiful and bright life can be once you've weathered through the storm! Stay tuned... x Flower
Please write about the issues you care most. People sometimes stop by to read. Looking forward to read what's next.