Reacquainting Myself With... Myself
Of everything I've been put through, the absolute worst was being on Prednisone (steroids/Satan's Tic Tacs). While they treat many ailments, these little white devils don't come without some unpleasant side effects...

Let's start with the physical aspect shall we? Depending on the dosage and duration, one develops something commonly known as "the moon face". Believe me, it's not as sweet as it sounds - you look like you have cotton balls stuffed inside of your cheeks. Oh! Please don't let me forget to mention the unwanted hair growth. Lovely, isn't it?
On to mental/emotional effects which include rage, annoyance, irritation, a robotic/vegetated state, and extreme sensitivity with the ability to cry at the drop of a hat ALL for no apparent reason.
zzz...Sleep? You can say sayonara to deep, restful sleep and say hello to waking up multiple times throughout the night and expect really weird dreams. During the day - you're basically on a roller coaster - SO wired.
And the most painful of all... EATING and weight gain. You have to be so careful of what you eat while on Prednisone because you can blow up like a hot air balloon. You're supposed to stay away from sodium, carbs, and sugar. So...WTF do you eat?? I ate like a bird and still gained 10 pounds - NOT cool.

After feeling hideous, irate, restricted and constipated (sorry, TMI but true) for 8 months, I've learned A LOT. Life is really too short so try to make not just every day count, but every moment. I can't wait to feel like I'm dancing when I walk. Sing when I talk. Smile until my facial muscles ache. Eat grapefruit and avocado. Feel and look beautiful, secure, and confident. Dress up and be the life of the party!
I've had to sacrifice many luxuries that I never knew were luxuries until they suddenly vanished but I'm one of the lucky ones - at least I'm getting them back. If there's anything you can take from this post, it's to cherish and acknowledge all the good you have.
Ciao until next time. xx Flower
It happens sometimes that a severe disease change your entire appearance.As you've mentioned in your post.thank you very much for sharing.keep posting.