Fall 2014 Fashion Must Haves & Trends
While everyone is moping on social media about summer ending, I couldn't be more excited for the Fall. Let's think positively here for a moment... we are about to enter THE fashion season of the year! The joyous period of chunky sweaters, leggings, boots and scarves is about to arrive. So turn those frowns upside down and rejoice!
I'm no Vogue contributor or fashion expert, but I definitely know what I like. Especially thanks to my recent discovery of Pinterest (I know, I'm so 2000andlate). If your style mantra is anything like mine - simple, neat, and chic (or grandma-like according to my sister) then this list is for you! Incorporate some or all of these and you'll be on the fast track towards becoming a diva on the loose... OW!

Plum, mulberry, berry - you 3 have captured my heart, What beautiful, rich colors that look good on anyone. Garnish yourselves with pops of these colors.
2. Mid-Shin Length Pencil Skirts
Something about this length is ultra flattering and classy. Every time I see Kim Kardashian sporting this ensemble, I imagine that a less ostentatious personality would work this look with panache.
3. Oversized Wrap Coats
Comfy, fashionable, and warm? Sounds like my kind of coat - one of each color please!

Not gonna lie, I find toe cleavage sexy. Is that weird? Maybe. Nude and black pairs are essential! Every other color after that is icing on the cake.
5. Animal Print
I'm so relieved the whole tribal print movement is now far behind us. Good riddance. Let your wilderness conquer this Fall!
6. Dark Lips & Nails
Purchase "Rebel" from MAC and watch your horizons expand. This gothic color is sheer perfection for this time of year.
7. Emerald Green
A regal color that makes a statement wherever you go. Not to mention, fun to pair with other bold colors!
Well, there you have it. This pretty much encompasses everything I'll be wearing for the next few months.
Don't forget to inspire and follow me on Instagram & Pinterest [sumairaflower]
Besos. xx
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