TRADE, Seaport District

This afternoon, I went to Trade, one of the newest restaurants in the if not already, up and coming neighborhood of Seaport District in downtown Boston.
Trade is owned by critically acclaimed chef Jody Adams (pictured to the left) alongside Sean Griffing and Eric Papachristos. First things first, the ambience and design of the restaurant must be applauded. The restaurant is beautifully designed in a modern, chic, and innovative fashion. I love the color scheme of yellow, grey, and white. Really trendy. Secondly, the location, how much more fabulous can you get then being in the Seaport area?
I walked in at the most perfect time - lunch in the financial district. In other words, all the sexy salt and pepper suit clad investment bankers chowing down their expensive meals before heading back to work. So many beautiful sights. Sigh.
Trade offers an eclectic menu. The dishes are inspired from countries all over the world (as the owners are all avid travelers) My only complaint about Trade is that there was no bread service. You know how much I love my bread LOL. Besides that, Trade is a fun, full of energy, latest addition to the Boston restaurant restaurant scene. Definitely a refreshing experience after Sibling Rivalry...

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