Back to Beantown Baby!

As Carrie Bradshaw best put it - her most successful relationship til date was the one she shared with NYC. For me, it's with Boston.
This may or may not come as a shock to some of you but... I've decided to move back to Boston!
After almost 2 months in NYC and away from my love Boston, I have realized that New York City is not the place where I want to live and Boston is. I hold NYC in very high regards but it is just not for me. Partying, yes. Living, no. Truth is, I never really became a New Yorker because I am way too attached to Boston. Oops.
New York, it's been real but I couldn't be happier with my decision to move back. Boston... Flower is coming home and round 2 will be much crazier! Can't wait to see all of my favorite Bostonians on the flipside ;) ciao. xoxo...
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