Bikram Yoga, Upper East Side

For years, I have been trying to find a type of yoga that best suited me. I was so jealous of all my friends who swear by yoga and say that it changed the quality of their lives. I have tried almost everything in the book, but Bikram was something I had not tried as there weren't too many good options in Boston.
One of the first things I wanted to as a resident of New York City was try Bikram yoga just to find out if there was any hope in yoga for me. Thankfully, there is a Bikram yoga studio very close to my flat.
I was really nervous at first because I had heard people can pass out from the heat, the rooms are stinky because of everyone's sweat, and plus I am such a newbie - I didn't want to look like a fool. But... Alas! I have found a yoga for me! It was a 90 minute complete sweat session. The first 25 minutes were really tough to get through but after that, I was getting into the groove of things.
I left the studio feeling SO relaxed and feather-like. I have not felt that good in probably years! Now I know that there is a type of yoga out there for everyone. I cannot wait to get better and better at this! PS. The studio is located at the corner of 83rd and 3rd in the Upper East Side.
Ah! I feel so good. Anyway, until next time ciao!...

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